Client Testimonials
“Middlesex was knowledgeable, they knew the system, they gave us a straight forward scope. The project went well and the quality of work was high.” – Neil Slyva, Project Manager, CM & B
“They're effective and give great service.”– Jim Burns, VP of Operations, Republic Builders
“The quality of their fabrication is top-notch.” – Scott McLeod, Project Executive, Dellbrook Construction
“Our selection is not strictly based on price. They're not consistently low. We sell to owners that Middlesex Glass is quality and worth extra money.” – Mike Fish, President, Dellbrook Construction
“For PreCon they're responsive, they jump when we call.” -Jeremy Pollender, Sr. Vice President, CM & B
“They are fantastic in preconstruction.” -Jim Tracey, Vice President, Dellbrook Construction
“The big draw to Middlesex is that at the end of the day they perform, and provide great service in PreCon.” -Jim Tracey, Vice President, Dellbrook Construction
“They're great to work with because they respect our process. They follow our projects start to finish.” -Chris Iannelli, Sr. Vice President, Cranshaw Construction
“We have a great relationship. I rely on them a lot.” -Chris Iannelli, Sr. Vice President, Cranshaw Construction
“At Dellbrook, we're big fans of them because we know they get the job done.” -Jim Tracey, Vice President, Dellbrook Construction
“They're very open to new technology. If we have a project that is fast-tracked or complex, we can count on them.” -Jim Burns, VP of Operations, Republic Builders
“Middlesex Glass is keeping up with the trends. They jumped quickly on technology. They are the first company I saw that used glass scanning technology.” -Michael Tor, VP – Field Operations, Cranshaw Construction
ABOVE: 530 Western Ave, Brighton, MA. by Cranshaw Construction. Middlesex Glass installed CMP Panels, Concealed Fastener Panels, Curtain Wall, Railing, Storefront on this residential building.